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Sura Name: Ad-Dahr Total Ayats: 31 Displaying: 11-20 

Select pages: 1 2 3 4

76.11 . Therefor Allah hath warded from them the evil of that day , and hath made them find brightness and joy ;


76.12 . And hath awarded them for all that they endured , a Garden and silk attire ;


76.13 . Reclining therein upon couches , they will find there neither ( heat of ) a sun nor bitter cold .


76.14 . The shade thereof is close upon them and the clustered fruits thereof bow down .


76.15 . Goblets of silver are brought round for them , and beakers ( as ) of glass


76.16 . ( Bright as ) glass but ( made ) of silver , which they ( themselves ) have measured to the measure ( of their deeds ) .


76.17 . There are they watered with a cup whereof the mixture is of Zanjabil ,


76.18 . The water of a spring therein , named Salsabil .


76.19 . There serve them youths of everlasting youth , whom , when thou seest , thou wouldst take for scattered pearls .


76.20 . When thou seest , thou wilt see there bliss and high estate .


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