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  All The Categories > Anti Ahmadiyya Books

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Title  British Jewish Connections
Writer  Bashir Ahmad

In the present study the author, Mr. Bashir Ahmad, traces the history of the Qadiani movement from its birth up to the present day and unveils its relations with the British imperialism and Zionism. The Ahmadi’s role in Pakistan movement and afterwards has also been discussed at length. The study provides a good political perspective on the growth of the movement and its machinations against the Muslim interest throughout these decades. The author has taken pains to record the facts of history in an objective way. It is a well-documented book which successfully traces the political history of the Ahmadi movement. The author has at his credit another good book on Bahaism which was well-received by the scholars and students of contemporary religious history of the Middle East. I hope this book will equally be a welcome volume by those interested in the study of comparative religions.

Date Of Publishing  02 / 10 / 2009
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